
Geography · Economics · Visualization

Category: IT

Realtor Data Is More Authoritative Than Surveyor Data

Since the rise of “neo-geography” 5-6 years ago, there has been heavy deployment of the adjective “authoritative”, especially by vendors who serve traditional producers of geospatial data . Unimpeachable accuracy and the gravitas of expertise are what is being implied here, especially in contrast to the unruly new worlds of crowd-sourcing and mashups of heterogeneous […]

Open Source on the 21st Century Battlefield

  “Imagine if only the manufacturer of a rifle were allowed to clean, fix, modify or upgrade that rifle.” As a fire-team leader in the Marine Corps infantry in the early 1990s, a GPS was considered too costly and sophisticated to entrust to a grubby, lowly corporal such as myself. That the collective GPS/wayfinding technology […]

Open Government is a Slammed Door at the BLM

So maybe having easy access to natural gas lease polygons in Sublette County, WY isn’t a priority for you.  But if phrases such as “open government”, “open data”, “energy independence”, “stewardship of federal lands”, or “government transparency” resonate even a little bit, then what’s going on now at the BLM with the National Integrated Land […]